Triest. Der Hafen Mitteleuropas
Edited by Peter Weinhäupl
With Contributions from Georges Desrues, Chiara Galbusera, Thomas Just, Boris Podrecca, Giulio Polita, Matej Santi, Peter Schubert, Peter Weinhäupl und Jürgen Weishäupl
Pretty Wilhelminian-style houses in one of the best-preserved Habsburg-style old towns on the one hand, rusty harbour cranes and abandoned magazines on the other: welcome to the Adriatic metropolis of Trieste, also known as "Vienna by the Sea". After "Grado. The Beach of Central Europe", Peter Weinhäupl, an excellent connoisseur, guides us through this Adriatic metropolis steeped in history. More than 100 years ago, renowned writers, painters and architects such as James Joyce, Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Heinrich von Ferstl were already drawn to Trieste. This magnificent volume presents new and mysterious facts from over 600 years of the city's history and illustrates the development of this impressive city from its former decline to its new prosperity.
€ 50,00
Brandstätter Verlag, Vienna, 2018
ISBN 978-3-7106-0226-9
Only a German edition is available in bookshops.